Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Amazon Rainforest Facts Interesting Facts about the Amazon Rainforest

  • The Amazon rainforest, located around the river Amazon, is the largest expanse of the world covered with dense tropical forests. 
  • The Amazon rainforest covers an area of more than 5, 5 million square kilometers, which is about 60 percent of the entire continent of South America.

  • Amazon rainforest spreads out in 9 countries, including Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru.
  • Intertwined with dense and high vegetation, impenetrable, the Amazon rainforest is still unexplored completely, and yet disappears from the face of the earth.
  • Into the inaccessible areas, where constant moisture and dusk rule, there are very few people, mostly Indians, who live by hunting, fishing , gathering fruit and rubber.
  • The average temperature in the Amazon ranges from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius (77 – 83 F).
  • There are no seasons, and drought days are rare.
  • Humidity is very high, about 50 percent during the day and at night is coming up to 100 percent.
  • The average annual rainfall ranges from 1500 to 4000 millimeters.
  • According to the latest census made by the naturalist, driven back 10 years and involving 88 institutions around the world, the rainforest is composed of about 390 billion trees, of which 16,000 various species, high between 30 and 60 meters .
  • It is believed that Amazon Rainforest is home to about 2.5 million insect species, at least 2,000 species of birds, over 250 species of mammals, 2,200 species of fish and over 378 specimens of reptiles.
  • According to the findings of the researchers, at an area of about 10 square kilometers can be found more than 1500 plant, 700 animal and 1,000 species of insects.
  • In one study it was shown that on an area of one square meter, were living as many as 50 species of ants.
  • However, these data, no matter how scientifically documented, are not completely reliable.
  • The situation in the Amazon rainforest changes daily.
  • Dense forest is cut down, marshy ground dried out and turned into arable land.
  • The destruction of rainforests in the past years increased by almost a third, according to data released by the government of Brazil .
  • As of July 2012 until July 2013 are destroyed total of 5,850 square kilometers of rainforest, which was an increase of 28 percent compared with the same time of the previous two years.
  • According to the mathematical model used in this study, Amazon has about 6,000 species of rare trees with less than 1,000 trees, which means that the International Union for Conservation of Nature should put them on the endangered species list.

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